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Meet our Trustees....

Chris Wood - Chair

Having graduated in Dentistry from Kings, London Chris practised as a GP in Leicester for 15 years. Seeking a career change he achieved an MSc in Information Technology at Leicester Polytechnic (later to become De Montfort University). He joined the School of Computing as a lecturer and retired 22 years later as a Principal lecturer having gained a teaching qualification along the way. Since retiring he has been active in local politics (Parish Council) and joined the Independent Monitoring Board at Gartree Prison. A lifelong interest has been motorcycling for pleasure.

Terry Cane 

Terry Cane trained as a youth worker in the 1960s and had a career in the Youth Service for over 40 years at a local and national level as a training officer, advisor and inspector. He was a magistrate, including youth court, in Market Harborough and Leicester. Currently he is Clerk to Arnesby Parish Council. Terry has had a life time interest in rock climbing and mountaineering.

John Greenwood

John Greenwood worked with young people for most of his working life. He taught at Leicester Polytechnic, later De Montfort University,  for nearly 40 years retiring as Professor of Public  Administration and Government in 2009. He served  for several years as a school governor including a spell as Chair of Governors of Ridgeway Primary School.  For many years he was Chair of Examiners of a GCE Citizenship Studies qualification, which included an Active Citizenship element. He has published widely in journals aimed at  the political and citizenship education of young people. He has lived in Market Harborough for over 50 years, his late wife was a  teacher in  local schools, and both his children were raised there. A former Leicester City Councillor he has devoted himself in retirement mainly to voluntary work for local  councils in the area. 

Rob Wakefield - Treasurer (Founding member)

Rob is a retired former Leicestershire County Council Children’s Centre Manager, child protection social worker and also coordinator of a multi-agency locality partnership for children and families support in Harborough District. He has extensive experience and knowledge in mental health, learning disabilities, and safeguarding policy and practice. In addition, he has a Trustee role within another local charity – South Leicestershire Mobile Toy Library (for children with disabilities).  Rob is one of the HCYC founding Trustees, and acts as the Treasurer in the charity. Rob is a parent and grandparent.

Andrew Munro

Andrew is a retired educator and former senior LA Education officer, who served as the Extended Services Officer for the Market Harborough Family of Schools. He has worked closely with excluded young people and their families in Leicester's challenging environments. His extensive voluntary experience includes local fundraising in Kibworth, serving as vice chair of Headway Leicester, and being an experienced Chair of Governors for local schools, including founding the Discovery Schools Academy Trust. As a National Leader of Governance, he helped improved school standards across the East Midlands and chaired an Interim Governing Body during leadership restructuring. Currently, he chairs Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council and is a lay member of the Leicestershire County Council School Place Parent Appeal Panel. Passionate about community development, Andrew enjoys classic cars, reading, and spending time with family, while striving to enhance outcomes for young people facing mental health challenges.

Neil Sewell – Secretary

Neil is a Qualified Youth Worker with 30+ Years of experience working with young people in several settings, including local authorities and within the charity/voluntary sector.  He has direct responsibilities as lead in child protection, Child Sexual Exploitation, DBS monitoring, staff recruitment and training.

Lena Russell

Lena is a committed and driven Human Resources professional with over 20 years of varied specialist experience leading a human resources function through significant and complex organisational changes.  In her current role, Lena is responsible for leading, developing and managing the people strategy specifically for the areas of talent acquisition, HR business partnering, talent management, wellbeing, reward & benefits and diversity & inclusion.  Lena believes it is essential all children, regardless of background, are given opportunities to be able to be the best they can be and thrive.  She has two children and really enjoys spending time on family walks and adventures!  She also loves running and hiking. 

Sue Maguire

Sue is Honorary Professor at the Institute for Policy Research (IPR), University of Bath. In an academic career spanning thirty years, her work has focused on research, policy development and evaluation in the fields of education, employment, skills and inequality. She has managed large-scale, longitudinal and multidisciplinary studies to evaluate policies and programmes designed to support youth transitions. Prior to moving into research, Sue was a careers adviser in schools, further and higher education.


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Reg. charity no. 1202997

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