Young Carers Group
HCYC Young Carers Group offers young carers the chance to have fun, try new activities, learn something new and meet other young people in similar situations.
The Young Carers Group is to support young people aged 11-18 in the Harborough District who care for someone at home. (We can also signpost to other possible support for young carers under 11 years, so please still get in touch if this applies).
We offer:
* A fortnightly group at The Cube, held on Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm
* Trips in the school holidays
* All activities are free to attend
* Supportive and friendly youth workers
* Support with transport to and from the group, provided by VASL (where required and available)
Attendance at the group is by referral only, please contact info@hcyc.org.uk

Photo by Diva Plavalaguna pexels.com